Quotes about Girls (By My Son)

I was trying to get some last minute holiday gift ideas. When I ask Deep Thinker what he wants for Christmas, he only says “Wii.” I’m not getting another game console. But he simply can’t think of anything else.

SO, instead, I asked him lots of questions during a regular conversation that had nothing to do with Christmas. This conversation took an amusing turn at the end. Before the amusing turn, Deep Thinker explained that boys love old cartoons because they are the best one, Yugi-U or Pokemon cards are always a favorite, plus guys love video games and anything to do with cars or racetracks.

Good. Goal accomplished. I have lots of gift ideas for them, and none of them even vaguely resemble a game console.

Having gotten the info I needed, I had a little fun. I asked, “What do girls your age like to do? Or what do they like to play with?”

He looked at me for a few seconds, and his stare made it clear that he was thinking hard. Then he says, “Well, they don’t play video games.” I asked, “You mean never?” He said no, girls never play video games. Then he said, “Well, I don’t really know what they do. Except maybe…exercise. Yeah, they exercise and play with dolls and dresses.”

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