My First Grader’s Manly Internet Search

Oh my. My first grader has been using the computer more and more. I am not ready for this. Yet I encourage it. We often use it together to find the answers to his questions–you know, things like “What’s a spider web made of, Mom?” So he has seen me do Internet searches many times.

The other day he said he wanted to do an Internet search. So I said, “Sure, what should we search for?” He explained that he, only he, wanted to do an Internet search, and could I leave the room please.

Uuuuuuhhhh, no. But I was so curious about what he wanted to search for and knew there was no way of getting it out of him. So, I left the room. And when the taps on the keyboard stopped, of course, I ran right back in to see what the big secret search was for.

I nearly died with laughter. I am putting a photo of the Internet screen here–click on it to make it larger. I know many of you can decipher the first grade spelling, but for those who can’t, the translation is below.

[Translation: How to draw a butt.]

4 Responses to “My First Grader’s Manly Internet Search”

  1. BLAHHH!!! SO FUNNY!!!! I have a 4 year old who I am sure will google the same thing!

  2. Hi, I just came over from The Mom Blogs and I love your site. That Internet Search post was hysterical. Feel free to add me to your blogroll if you want. I am and I’ll add you to mine next time I do updates… hopefully this weekend 🙂

  3. That is so funny – but so what boys do!! I have three of them and I hear that word much too often.