Will You Be Okay, Mom?

As many children, Rowdy Rebel has a crazy sweet tooth. Because he’s SO crazy about them, I have found it easier (and healthier) to limit his major snacks to once or twice on weekends. Though, he’s learning that once in a while, he can have a lollipop or other type of candy without screaming incessantly […]

Thanks for Nothing…Santa?

Rowdy Rebel has always had an overly active imagination. This is sometimes really fascinating to watch. But in his sleep, it can cause problems. The other night he was making upset sounds in his sleep saying “STOP IT. That’s BAD. Don’t DO THAT!” I went to rub him, which seems to help calm him in […]

I Pile My Clothes Like You Do, Mom

Deep Thinker Claims to Know About Girls

Today Deep Thinker and I took a walk. He told me that a girl in his class confessed to having a crush on him. He often refers to her as “the meanest girl in the class.” So I asked him why he thinks she acts mean. He said (and I quote directly), “Well, I can […]

My Son Waters the Lawn + Neighbor’s Window, Printer, and Bed

What fun. Deep Thinker will be a second grader when the summer is over. He asked if he could have an allowance. I thought, sure. But let’s give him at least one or two chores. (He currently has no chores and I have been pondering when to introduce them. I suppose I’m behind on this…) […]

Taking Children for Granted? Two Quick Cures

Sometimes it dawns on me that though my children are my number one priority in my heart and mind, I have inadvertently put other things first in my actions. My friends and I talk often about those moments when we realize that we’re doing everything except spending time with our children–cleaning, cooking, using the Internet, […]

The Meaning of “Irate”

My son Deep Thinker was placed in a first grade class that has apparently been his teacher’s WORST NIGHTMARE! Poor teacher. I feel for her, having taught and knowing what it’s like to have a very difficult class. Deep Thinker is Mr. Rules, so his biggest disappointment is that when a few students misbehave, everyone […]