Cord Blood Savings

We got a cord blood discount of $250 using a coupon code to keep down the cost of cordblood storage with our second and third children. We didn’t do this with our first child due to the expense…That was in 2001. Over the last 7 years, cord blood research has been used to cure cancers, […]

My Son Waters the Lawn + Neighbor’s Window, Printer, and Bed

What fun. Deep Thinker will be a second grader when the summer is over. He asked if he could have an allowance. I thought, sure. But let’s give him at least one or two chores. (He currently has no chores and I have been pondering when to introduce them. I suppose I’m behind on this…) […]

How to Marry the Right Person: First Grader Advice

When I tucked in my six-year old last night, he said (out of nowhere), “Hey Mommy, I know how you can tell if the person you are marrying is nice.” Full of curiosity, I asked him how to tell. With his eyes opened really wide, he said, “You get to know em.” I said that’s […]

Not Ready to Be a Dad

This year in kindergarten, Deep Thinker learned about symbols of the United States, inclulding the bald eagle. He became somewhat obssessed with the bald eagle, so we had to do lots of internet research on them. We learned that newly hatched bald eagles attach to the first moving thing they see as their mother, even […]

Toddler Cracks Huge LCD TV Screen

Does this TV screen look large? I ask because it’s about 5 feet wide. Rowdy Rebel beat our TV monitor with our telephone. Isn’t it nice how he made that “little” knick? Our phone doesn’t work well anymore either! Fortunately, we can get the TV fixed. The phone…not so sure.

My Son’s Turn on the Swing (Follow Up)

In a prior post I described how my five year old waited the entire play period to get a turn on the swing, just to give it up when his friend asked to have a turn. I encouraged him to take his turn first (at least sometimes!). Well, the very next day, the same “friend” […]

Ketchup Fun All Over My Living Room

Rowdy Rebel discovered the ketchup squirting mechanism today. Ironically enough, he was discovering this as I was cleaning my room about 6 feet away. You know, there’s no fun like ketchup fun. I can hear his little thoughts now: Ketchup in the kitchen! Ketchup in the carpet! Ketchup, ketchup KETCHUP! It kind of makes a […]

Everyone Laughed at My Kindergartner:(

Wednesday, Deep Thinker and I were walking to pick up Rowdy Rebel from preschool. During these walks, the most interesting information comes up! So during this walk, I learned that Deep Thinker was really upset. His kindergarten class has a brief circle time when children can bring things to show their classmates. So, Deep Thinker […]

Rowdy Rebel “Want Break Eggs”

We were having a nice evening at home. The boys were playing quietly, Deep Thinker (age 5) in their bedroom and Rowdy Rebel (age 2) in the living room. I was cleaning up in our room. Deep Thinker is always quiet, so I really wasn’t too worried about the silence in their room. But when […]

Rowdy Rebel “Want Break Eggs” Follow-up

People, it wasn’t enough to splatter eggs all over my living room. The next day, my husband was using his computer in the kitchen (which is basically part of the living room). Rowdy Rebel was playing right behind him. My husband noticed an odd silence and turned to check on Rowdy. He had taken the […]