Mom, Dad, and Money

I was volunteering in Deep Thinker’s class doing the “Monday folders.” This involves stuffing all of the news and important papers into folders to take home. As I was doing this, the class had a discussion about money. The teacher asked, “How much money is two quarters?” My son raised his hand, and the teacher […]

How to Marry the Right Person: First Grader Advice

When I tucked in my six-year old last night, he said (out of nowhere), “Hey Mommy, I know how you can tell if the person you are marrying is nice.” Full of curiosity, I asked him how to tell. With his eyes opened really wide, he said, “You get to know em.” I said that’s […]

“Assidents” Happen

Rowdy Rebel is really good for his naps now. (Sure, now that he’s almost too old for them.) He just lays down and stays in bed until he goes to sleep. But for some reason last Saturday, he reverted back to the terrible two’s when he screamed non-stop at the top of his lungs for […]